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Tales from a small town

Short stories about life in a small town. Non-fiction. Great reading.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Lucy, you have some 'splain-in' to do!

Bad news/Good news
Bad news:

One thing I can safely say about my wife without going on a rant that would make me look like a lunatic (given the current circumstances) is that she is a die-hard drama queen. Being a big-time drama queen tends to make her act like a drama magnet. Being married to her has put me in the middle of some fairly large dramas - but this one takes the cake. I can say for sure, there's never been a dull moment, but I'm getting too old for this.

After cooling down to the point where I can be somewhat civil, I asked her how it got to this point. She told me that to the best of her recollection, when we closed on this home loan, we signed a paper that said we were accepting credit insurance that would waive our mortgage payments in the event of an inability for either one of us to work. Because she had an episode of post-partum congestive heart failure after our last baby was born (see what I mean about drama?!!) she wasn't able to work at the job she held at the time as an assistant manager to a Dominos Pizza restaurant. (Don't worry readers: there are 2 types of congestive heart failure that are reversable: post-partum is one of them; Mom's doing fine now!)

Because she wasn't able to work at her job, and because she evidently called the company who has our first mortgage, and asked them to file a claim even though the financial institution who has our first mortgage, doesn't do credit insurance, she said because they told us they were a full service agency, they'd file the claim for us.

Because they told her they'd do it for us, she thought they did, and because she didn't hear anything from anyone, she thought the claim had been filed, and as a result, no payments were necessary.

This makes a bunch of sense from a Lucy/Desi Arnaz standpoint, but I'm still sticking to my guns on my theory that she wants to dump the house so she's free to move to NC to be closer to her dad.

Good News

The good news is, after all the effort I've put into shedding light on our city's shady economic development practices, (with constant editorials, running for county commissioner and making this topic the platform of my campaign and making sure that during my newspaper and radio interviews, that everyone knew what was really going on) by pointing out our economic development agency purposely refuses to offer tax breaks to good paying factories, an article appeared in yesterday's paper that said our economic development agency is announcing that two different companies are seriously considering our city as a location for their factories: one factory pays $15 an hour, the other? $24 an hour!!! OK, OK, we're not talking thousands of jobs, or even hundreds of jobs. I think both factories combined will employ something like 75 people, but it's a start.

As Homer Simpson would say: "Wooo Hoooo!"


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